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Research Study : Digital Eye Strain - In period of lockdown by Samidha Karmakar.

Digital Eye Strain- In period of lockdown.

By, Samidha Karmakar, 3rd year student, Pailan College of Management & Technology MAKAUT. (Content Writer Intern of Eye Supervision)


Objective : The primary goal of this study is to implement the 20-20-20 rule  in our daily activities to reduce the digital eye strain in the period of world’s inevitable lockdown due to the pandemic spread of corona virus(COVID-19) which have engaged people more gazing at screen all day long (TV, video games, internet, smartphone,laptop,webinar,online classes for students etc)As people are fulfilling their civic duty by staying at home, they are also engaged with gadgets at the same time. While visiting eye care professionals (optometrist, ophthalmologist ) they may have mentioned about the 20-20-20 rule to you.

Keyword: 20-20-20 rule, lockdown, pandemic, coronavirus, digital eye strain.

Methodology : 11 Authorize questions had been asked to 72 peoples from different colleges/universities/company with their different necessities to access the internet in the platform Google Forms. The data was analysed with the help of Google forms.

Results: On the basis of the data we found that 63.4% people follow the rule and 36.6% do not follow.

Conclusion: In this study we concluded that 46.4% people suffer from Asthenopic symptoms due to excessive use of digital devices.



Corona virus is a transferable disease which spread through sneeze droplets and cough. As we all know that’s the reason why government had found the best way to stop spreading of this disease by keeping the citizens in isolation and break the chain by following social distancing. so, that the transmission will be less funtionable. Hence ,all the MNCs ,and school, universities, colleges and transport system are been shut down from march 24 2020, due to this pandemic all the work load that have put into internet which is accessed from home .Companies and educational institutes had also added that work can’t suffer, also many platforms like zoom, skype and duo are introduced to conduct nonstop classes and meetings which eventually put an great impact on the progression of digital eye strain(DES). Digital eye strain(DES) which is also known as computer vision syndrome. Researchers are likely to think the vaccines will be available from mid-2021, about 12-18 months after the new virus but there is no gurantee it will work. The situation will take time to heal till then people need to rush in internet.

Objective:  The main goal of this study is to implement the 20-20-20 rule and frequent blinking to reduce the chance of asthenopia. As only the emergency services are provided during and also post lockdown, people should be aware of accessing all the emergency services as post lockdown will also have the chances of spreading the disease. Hence, reaching any severity the rules can be approached in the period of lockdown. 


Google form is a survey administration application which helps to feature all the data analyzing components with every individual responses, which have helped to analyze the severity of using digital platforms in very single aspects.

Study design: observational study.


Statistic analysis: Google forms were made with the questions of digital eye strain assessment. The survey was send to 100 people of different age groups and colleges, schools, universities, companies of different occupations. Consents were also taken to use their data that were asked to them.


• People of different age groups
• Different occupations 
• In the basis of last few weeks 
• Including their corrective glasses and contact lenses.



     On the analysis we have found that 63.4% people do not follow the 20-20-20 rule and only 36.6% people follow the rule which eventually  drags us to 23.3% headache,9.9% irritation, 5.6% eye strain , 2.8% red eye and 4.2% watering eye. Overall 45.5% people faces eye problem in this lockdown period.

Result analysis 

The result analysis are calculated with the help of Google forms.

1. The ratio of male and female were 61.4% : 38.6%


2. Mode of platform used depends on the outlook of screen display (eg : smartphone have a display of 4 to 6 inch) 94.4% people use tiny screen display and 5.6% people use laptop with an approx screen display of 14 to 16 inch. Using tiny screen badly effects eye such as blurred vision, headache, sore eye, muscle strain and dry eye.



3. The effect of spending maximum times in front of digital devices puts an great impact because the more you stare at screen the more easily the muscles get tired. 38% people mostly use for 7-9 hrs, 28.2% people use for 4 to 6 hrs, 14.4% people use for 1 to 3 hrs, 16 to 19 hrs 2.5% people and 9.9% people use for 10 to 12 hrs.


4. Taking a break in between your work also reduces the risk of pathological problems.40% people take 16 to 30 min break in between work, 20% takes 15 min of break, 11.6% takes 40 to 60 min of break, 12.1% takes 31 to 45 min of break and 15.7% people do not take break in between work.



5. Using of corrective glasses in the form of contact lens and spectacle reduces the accommodative function at a maximum level which eventually effect less fatigue of muscles and increase productivety.47.1% people use spectacle and 52.9% people do not use any corrective media.


6. Facing pathological problems. . May the computer vision syndrome is not permanent but ignoring the causes can lead to severe cases in very few days. 23.9% people have headache due to excessive use, 5.6% people have eye strain,9.9% people have irritation on eye, 4.2 % have watering eye and 2.8% have red eye.



7. Duration of sleep at night. As sleep is very important for the rest of brain and vision hence, adequate amount of sleep can heal most of the problem.35.2% have 6 to 7 hrs of sleep, 28.6% have 5 to 6 hrs of sleep, 26.8% have 8 to 9 hrs of sleep, 7% have 3 to 4 hrs of sleep, 2.8% have 9 to 10 hrs of sleep.


8. Following of 20-20-20 rule in daily life activities.62.4% people do not follow 20-20-20 rule and 36.6% people do follow the rule.



Conclusion - The study shows that most people have raised pathological problems in the period of lockdown, as we can see that 46.4% people are suffering from asthenopic symptoms. As the lockdown is not specified for a stipulated time hence people needs to get used to digital platform as a result by implementing the 20-20-20 rule and blink frequently.




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